

本屆城市飲者葡萄酒拍賣活動已結束, 感謝所有給予熱情支持的飲者, 讓活動順利完成. 在這一次的葡萄酒慈善拍賣, 有飲者提供收藏多年的珍釀, 造成非常熱烈的討論, 感謝提供拍賣品的飲者對葡萄酒慈善拍賣的認同與支持. 更讓主辦單位感到欣慰的是也有許多飲者積極參與競標, 並且拍出不少精采的葡萄酒.

總計25筆拍賣酒, 15筆未拍出(包含取消的第10標), 10筆拍出(包含登錄不清的第8標), 達成率40%, 總金額$105,700元, 慈善基金約$20,000元.

這是第一屆的成果, 希望每一屆都有更亮麗的成績, 而主辦單位也透過這一次的活動, 了解到整個過程所應注意的部分, 會在拍賣時段的安排及拍賣酒的宣傳等方面有更好的計畫.

主辦單位會在三天內與提供拍賣酒的飲者聯繫, 約定時間將酒交給詩人酒窖, 並通知得標的飲者到詩人酒窖取酒付款.

感謝飲者的善心, 成就了這一次的善行.


   第08標 -  Chateau. Haut Brion 1999, RP 93,  酒展現場得標:$12,500  - 得標者登錄不清

   第01標 -  E. Guigal, Cote Rotie La Mouline 1994, RP 95, WS 94, 酒展現場得標:$8,200  - 許先生擁有保留權

   第02標 -  E. Guigal, Cote Rotie La Turque 1994, RP 96-98,  酒展現場得標:$8,000 - 欒先生擁有保留權.
網路競標 $8200, 王先生,

   第03標 -  Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage La Chapelle 1985, RP 91, WS 91,  酒展現場得標:$3,900 - 欒先生擁有保留權
網路競標 $4000, 王先生,

   第06標 -  Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1999, RP 93,  酒展現場得標:$13,500  - 得標者登錄不清
網路競標 $13800, 王先生,

   第09標 -  Inglenook "Reunion" 1985 , Napa Valley, RP 91, WS 90,  酒展現場得標:$3,700  - 林先生擁有保留權.
網路競標 $4000, 王先生,

   第13標 -  Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1989, RP 90,  酒展現場得標:$17,000  - 0936-336XXX擁有保留權

   第14標 -  Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1985, RP 90,  酒展現場得標:$17,600  - 林先生擁有保留權

   第15標 -  Chateau Margaux 1981, RP 91,  酒展現場得標:$15,300  - 欒先生擁有保留權

   第19標 -  château calon ségur 1994, RP 86, 酒展現場得標:$6000 -  0936-336XXX擁有保留權.


   第04標 -  DRC, La Tache 1995, RP 95,

   第05標 -  DRC, Romanee-Conti 1995, RP 95 WS 98,

   第07標 -  Chateau. Haut Brion 1995, RP 95,

   第10標 - 取消

   第11標 - 套組
       1. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Q.b.A. 2002,
       2. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Spaetlese 2005 (絕版,僅剩這隻)
       3. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Eiswein 2007

   第12標 -  Chateau Pétrus 1979, RP 97, WS 90

   第16標 -  Chateau d'Yquem 1989, RP 97 x 12 瓶

   第17標 -  Chateau de Putille, "Cuvee Ambre" Cabernet d'Anjou SGN 2008 (甜)

   第18標 -  Chateau La Tomaze, Coteaux du Layon Faye 2006 (甜)

   第20標 - 套組
       1.Domaine Bernard Delagrange, Volnay 1er Cru 1990
       2.Domaine Bernard Delagrange, Volnay Clos du Village 1990

   第21標 -  Champagne Colin, Champagne Cuvee Roger Adnot 1973

   第22標 -  Domaine de Cezin, Jasnieres 1990

   第23標 -  Champagne Billecart-Salmon , Cuvee Nicolas Francois Billecart Brut 1998

   第24標 -  Domaine Rene-Noel Legrand, Saumur Champigny 1989

   第25標 -  Domaine Champalou, Vouvray La Vallee Chartier 1986








在本篇文章『意見』的地方--->第04標, $41000, 羅先生, canonvin@gmail.com, 0928-310655


第01標 -
 E. Guigal, Cote Rotie La Mouline 1994, RP 95, WS 94,
 酒展現場得標:$8,200  - 許先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$200

第02標 -
 E. Guigal, Cote Rotie La Turque 1994, RP 96-98,
 酒展現場得標:$8,000 - 欒先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$200

第03標 -
 Paul Jaboulet Aine, Hermitage La Chapelle 1985, RP 91, WS 91,
 酒展現場得標:$3,900 - 欒先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第04標 -
 DRC, La Tache 1995, RP 95,
 起標價:$45,000, 願意出價者每次加價$500

第05標 -
 DRC, Romanee-Conti 1995, RP 95 WS 98,
 起標價:$300,00, 願意出價者每次加價$1,000

第06標 -
 Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1999, RP 93,
 酒展現場得標:$13,500  - 得標者登錄不清, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第07標 -
 Chateau. Haut Brion 1995, RP 95,
 起標價: $22,500, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第08標 -
 Chateau. Haut Brion 1999, RP 93,
 酒展現場得標:$12,500  - 得標者登錄不清, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第09標 -
 Inglenook "Reunion" 1985 , Napa Valley, RP 91, WS 90,
 酒展現場得標:$3,700  - 林先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第10標 - 取消

第11標 - 套組
 1. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Q.b.A. 2002,
 2. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Spaetlese 2005 (絕版,僅剩這隻)
 3. Weingut Albert Gälweiler, Gewuerztraminer Eiswein 2007
 起標價: $5,000/(1組3瓶), 願意出價者每次加價$200

第12標 -
 Chateau Pétrus 1979, RP 97, WS 90
 起標價: $60,000/瓶, 願意出價者每次加價$1,000

第13標 -
 Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1989, RP 90
 酒展現場得標:$17,000  - 0936-336XXX擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第14標 -
 Chateau. Mouton Rothschild 1985, RP 90
 酒展現場得標:$17,600  - 林先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第15標 -
 Chateau Margaux 1981, RP 91
 酒展現場得標:$15,300  - 欒先生擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$300

第16標 -
 Chateau d'Yquem 1989, RP 97 x 12 瓶
 起標價: $250,000,  願意出價者每次加價$1,000

第17標 -
 Chateau de Putille, "Cuvee Ambre" Cabernet d'Anjou SGN 2008 (甜)
 起標價: $1,000, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第18標 -
 Chateau La Tomaze, Coteaux du Layon Faye 2006 (甜)
 起標價: $1,000, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第19標 -  
 château calon ségur 1994, RP 86
 酒展現場得標:$6000 -  0936-336XXX擁有保留權, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第20標 - 套組
 1.Domaine Bernard Delagrange, Volnay 1er Cru 1990
 2.Domaine Bernard Delagrange, Volnay Clos du Village 1990
 起標價: $3,000/(1組2瓶), 願意出價者每次加價$100

第21標 -
 Champagne Colin, Champagne Cuvee Roger Adnot 1973
 起標價: $2,800, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第22標 -
 Domaine de Cezin, Jasnieres 1990
 起標價: $2,000, 願意出價者每次加價$100

第23標 -
 Champagne Billecart-Salmon , Cuvee Nicolas Francois Billecart Brut 1998
 起標價: 92 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 願意出價者每次加價:2 Euros, 匯率約41元

第24標 -
 Domaine Rene-Noel Legrand, Saumur Champigny 1989
 起標價: 40 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 願意出價者每次加價:2 Euros, 匯率約41元

第25標 -
 Domaine Champalou, Vouvray La Vallee Chartier 1986
 起標價: 47 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 願意出價者每次加價:2 Euros, 匯率約41元



1986 Vouvray , Domaine Champalou , La Vallee Chartier

起標價: 47 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 增值:2 Euros

Champalou: A History

This is not an ancient domaine, at least not under the name of Champalou. Didier and Catherine acquired the estate in 1983, having just graduated from the agricultural college at Montreuil-Bellay, to the south of Saumur. They both came from families of vignerons, so it is perhaps no surprise that they both followed the same path into viticulture and winemaking although neither, it seems, were content to follow in the footsteps laid down by their parents on this path. Determined to gain independence they started out by planting half a hectare of Chenin Blanc close to Vouvray, and from this embryonic beginning their estate began to grow. Today it covers an area more than forty times larger than this initial plot.
It did not take long for the Champalou's to make their presence felt within the appellation. Just a few years later, helped by some great vintages at the end of the 1980s, they were producing some of Vouvray's most stunning wines. Writing in A Wine and Food Guide to the Loire (Mitchell Beazley, 1996), Jacqueline Friedrich ranked the estate on the very top tier of her appellation hierarchy alongside Huet, Foreau and Fouquet, just thirteen years after they planted their first vines. Today Didier and Catherine, now joined by their daughter Céline following the completion of her oenology degree and the now common-place acquisition of experience in foreign lands, including New Zealand, South Africa and Canada, they remain one of the most reliable sources of Vouvray. Didier's main concern remains the vineyards, whereas Catherine - once principally concerned with activities in the cellar - now spends more time at that kitchen-table-desk of hers, dealing with administrative matters, as well as travelling to foreign markets to show their wines. Today it is Céline that oversees processes in the cellar. Occasionally Catherine and Didier's other daughter Virgine may be around to help out, but she is mostly occupied running her own business, a wine and spirits shop in South London.

Champalou - The Vines and Wines

Although not formally organic or biodynamic, the Catherine and Didier Champalou profess to tend their 21 hectares of vines along sustainable lines, minimising the use of chemicals, reducing carbon emissions where possible. It is reasoned viticulture rather than organic, perhaps more akin to lutte raisonnée than anything else, with a little added astrology for good measure, with many of the common vineyard tasks timed to coincide with the phases of the moon. Perhaps lutte lunaire would be a more appropriate description? Their approach has been certified as 'sustainable' by Terra Vitis, an association of vignerons which promulgates the virtues of environmentally sensitive viticulture throughout France. The vines are naturally 100% Chenin Blanc, this being Vouvray, pruned in a gobelet fashion; the ripening is encouraged by leaf-thinning in the summer, and the harvest is manual, the decision to pick made on the basis of tasting the fruit in the vineyard.
Unlike a number of their peers in Vouvray the portfolio of wines is brief; whereas a tasting of the latest releases from any one of François Chidaine, Jacky Blot or Noël Pinguet at Domaine Huet might take half the morning, the range of wines here in each vintage runs at most to half a dozen, and that is only if the year is sufficiently blessed for the sweetest, most exalted cuvées to make an appearance. Hence these meetings and tastings are usually brief affairs, flying vinous visits if you will. But they are usually worth it; the quantity may be small, but the quality can be very high. The range of wines opens with a non-vintage sparkling Brut Vouvray, made from morning-harvested fruit fermented in stainless steel and allowed to rest on its lees in tank before bottling for the second fermentation. The wine then typically rests for 20 months sur lattes before disgorgement.
As for the vins tranquilles, these start with the entry level Vouvray Sec, which like the sparkling Brut comes from clay-limestone terroirs. Again morning-harvested fruit is pressed and then fermented in stainless steel followed by 11 months en cuve before bottling. A step up from this generic cuvée is Le Portail which originates from the vines directly adjacent to the Champalou cellars, planted on clay-rich soils. The fruit is pressed and then fermented in 500-litre oak barrels where it rests for perhaps 15 months (it can certainly be longer) before going into bottle. It is a cuvée which can be heavily marked by oak in youth, particularly the 2008 tasted recently which was raised in 100% new oak; as such it won't be to everybody's taste, at least not in its youth.
With a rise in residual sugar we move up to Champalou's demi-sec cuvée La Cuvée des Fondraux. This is also fermented in oak, in barrels originally used for Le Portail, and this older wood has much less impact on the style of the wine. As such this cuvée has a pure and elegantly mineral character which not only appeals greatly to me but which also showcases the style of the domaine most effectively. At the top of the tree there are two sweeter cuvées, both from sandy, flinty, clay-rich terroirs. The first is La Moelleuse (previously called Cuvée Moelleuse) made from grapes concentrated either by passerillage or botrytis, and then the even more concentrated Trie de Vendange (or Les Tries, previously also known as Cuvée Catherine or Cuvée CC), made from the richest hand-selected botrytised grapes picked on sequential passes (tries) through the vineyards, only in the most favourable vintages. These last two wines can be easily confused, as the Trie de Vendange label and the old-style Cuvée Moelleuse label (on the right, above) are very similar, and both have a dramatic calligraphed CC at their centre; I have seen a number of merchants list a wine as Cuvée CC only for it to turn out to be the Cuvée Moelleuse and not the Trie de Vendange. If shopping for these older vintages, look for the Trie de Vendange and Cuvée Moelleuse designations at the top of the label to tell them apart.

Provider : Dr.Serge


Very good Vintage for sweet wine in Loire , Chenin


1989 Saumur Champigny , Domaine Rene-Noel Legrand

起標價: 40 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 增值:2 Euros

Lots of people I know have a "house wine" -- some bottle that they buy in much larger quantities than any other wine and also consume in much larger quantities. A house wine is the inexpensive, drink-with-anything, because-I'd-just-like-a-glass, it-doesn't-matter-if-I-don't-finish-the-bottle, what-goes-with-day-old-pizza wine. In my opinion, every wine loving household should have one.
For a lot of people this is clearly the place that Two Buck Chuck holds in their kitchen. I personally prefer to spend la_chaintree05.jpgbetween ten and fifteen dollars on my house wine, and I'm constantly picking up random bottles at that price point just to see when I'm going to discover the next greatest version.
That I might have stumbled on it in the form of a bottle from the Loire Valley comes as no surprise. That it is a bottle of red wine from the Loire might surprise some readers though.
The Loire Valley is one of France's most diverse wine regions, especially in terms of the types of wine that it produces. The area surrounding the Loire River, which is the longest in the country and one of the least dammed in all of Europe, is, in fact, many distinct growing regions with extremely different climates. As the river flows from its eastern reaches in Sancerre to its mouth in Muscadet it crosses several dozen others appellations, the best known of which are Vouvray, Touraine, Chinon, Bourgueil, Savennieres, Saumur, and Anjou, which along with their fellows make the Loire the third largest region for AOC wines, and the second largest region for Sparkling wines.
The Loire is best known for its white varietals, of which Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc are the most famous, followed by the Melon varietal, which is responsible for the sometimes sparkling wine, Muscadet. Much lower profile (and generally less imported as well) are the regions red varietals, which include Cabernet Franc (sometimes mixed with a little Cabernet Sauvignon), Gamay, Pinot Noir, and here and there, a dash of Malbec.
Because the Loire is such a chilly region in general, an awful lot of these red wines are very difficult to get ripe, which means that there are a lot of Loire reds that taste green and bitter. For some, this flavor profile is part of the charm of the region, but for me, it has always been a turn-off. The existence of vegetal-tasting wines hasn't stopped me from drinking Loire reds every chance I get, however, because there aren't that many of them, and when they're good, they're really good. Like everywhere, there are some Loire producers that manage to make excellent wines no matter what the conditions.
This is the first wine I've had by Domaine Rene Noel Legrand, so I can't possibly know whether they fall into this category, but they certainly have the reputation and the pedigree to do so. The Legrand family has been making wine from the same vineyards in the area for five generations. Since 1976, the estate has been under the guidance of René Noël Legrand, who took over from his father.
Legrand owns about 36 acres of vines that span the communes of Saumur, Dampierre, Chacé, Varrains and Champigny, which the family farms carefully by hand. The vineyards are a mix of red and white varieties, and the vines are on average 35 years old, with some of the oldest approaching 80 years.
Like many growers in the region, Legrand drops fruit during the summer (also known as a green harvest) to reduce the yield of the plants and allow the vine to ripen all its fruit to maturity. The vines themselves are already low yielding due to their age, and to the cover crops that Legrand plants between the rows in order to compete with the vines for nutrients.
The estate produces two reds, a wine made from a mix of vineyard sources, and this wine, which is from only their oldest vines. Made from 100% Cabernet Franc, this wine is aged for 14 months in neutral oak barrels before bottling.

Tasting Notes:
Medium ruby in the glass, this wine has a nice, homey nose of hazelnuts, redcurrant, and plum aromas. In the mouth it is smooth, and dry on the tongue, with a suede-like softness that matches cool fruit flavors of cherry and redcurrant with slightly deeper flavors of leather and a stony minerality. Great acid, a clarity of flavor, and the lack of any bitter tannins make this wine super easy to drink and a real pleasure from the first glass to the fourth.
Food Pairing:
This is such a food friendly wine it's hard to imagine what it wouldn't pair well with. Me? I'd love to drink a properly chilled bottle of this with a friend over a couple of Kobe beef burgers.

Provider : Dr.Serge


Brut 1998 , Champagne Billecart-Salmon , Cuvee Nicolas Francois Billecart

起標價: 92 Euros (請以歐元計價) , 增值:2 Euros

NameBillecart-Salmon Cuvee Nicolas Francois Brut 1998 
Main GrapeChardonnay / Pinot Meunier / Pinot Noir 

DescriptionLight gold. Strong floral and spice notes complement ripe orange, pear and honeyed apple aromas, with a deep undercurrent of brown butter. Round, supple and nutty, showing an array of buttery orchard and pit fruit flavors and excellent depth and underlying power. Impressively long finish features an intriguing violet pastille note. There's lots going on here. To serve at 13 degrees , this type of champagne has been created in 1964 and is made with the best chardonnay of the Cote de Blancs and the best pinot noirs of the Montagne de Reims
I visited and worked at this winery in 1997, in my experience I find this winery to be a small boutique and making fabulous champagne's, by far the best champagne winery. Founded in 1818 by Nicolas-Francois Billecart, Billecart-Salmon is one of the few Champagne Houses still owned and managed by the original family. With a stringent focus on quality and seven generations of expertise, Billecart-Salmon, located in the heart of the Mareuil sur Ay vineyard, produces a series of expertly crafted cuvees from the best quality grapes. the 19th century, Billecart-Salmon champagne was enjoyed in the newly established USA and was a great favorite of the Russian aristocracy. Today the house enjoys a worldwide reputation. aging from the classic Brut to the marvelous vintage Grande Cuvee, these fine champagnes can be summed up in two words: simply Seductive.
Food Recommendation
Fish, Poultry and Vegetables
Cheese Recommendation
Mild Cheeses

Provider : Dr.Serge


To serve at 13 degrees , this type of Champagne has been created in 1964 and is made with the best chardonnay of the Cote des Blancs and the best pinot noirs of the Montagne de Reims .


1990 Jasnieres , Domaine de Cezin

起標價: $2,000

葡萄品種: 100% 白梢楠
產區位置: Jasnieres
土質: argilo-limeston石灰石的類型
特色: 充滿冷峻感的打火石頭味混合著大量的白花香和熱帶水果氣息。
搭配: 貝類食物(清蒸淡菜 焗烤生蠔)
適飲溫度: 1214°C.之間。


酒莊位於法國羅瓦爾河中游的葡萄酒產區 Marçon城離重點城市Le Mans 45公里 距離觀光重點城市Tour 只有40公里


1925, 酒莊的第一代 Fresneau家族開始生產葡萄酒如今 這個代代相傳的葡萄酒家族已延續到第四代Francois Fresneau掌舵 Francois 先生是一位敦厚殷實的葡萄農兼釀酒師 記得2000年 第一次去拜訪酒莊握手寒暄時 他那有力粗厚大手的熱情 馬上讓人明白他是屬於大地的子民 他帶著我參觀葡萄園 從小葡萄苗開始培養的細心(整個葡萄園都以電線圍成一圈防可愛的野兔把嫩葡萄給啃光啦!) 到介紹老藤葡萄園時驕傲的語氣... 他的葡萄藤甚至深入土中20公尺
現在 Francois 先生的兒子 Fresneau家族第五代也進入葡萄酒大學 準備接班 而家族所傳承下來 釀造葡萄酒的基本精神 就在葡萄園中的土地的精神...


酒莊第一代主人Andre Fresneau, 將幾乎無法耕種的土地(因為土地上有許多大大小小的石頭) 篳路藍縷 漸漸整地成為葡萄園 經過80年來幾世代的努力 酒莊終於擁有12公頃的葡萄園 分佈在JasnièresSarthe 產區。
(Domaine Cezin)酒莊在 Marçon 地區有10公頃AOC等級的葡萄園包括:
- 5 公頃的白色石灰岩土質斜坡地形
- 5公頃的紅色土質斜坡地形
另外 在 Lhomme 地區有2公頃AOC Jasnières等級的葡萄園

Provider : Dr.Serge

Tasting Note:

One of the 3 best Vintages of the 20th century , serve at 13 degrees



Chateau d'Yquem 1989, RP 97 x 12 瓶
起標價: $250,000/箱(12瓶)

葡萄品種:80% Sémillon, 20% Sauvignon blanc
評分:RP 97

Château d'Yquem是位於波爾多Graves區的特一級酒莊,其所在的村莊Sauternes是釀造貴腐甜白酒的重要產區,而Château d'Yquem是最能表現貴腐甜白酒精華的優質酒莊之一,所呈現出香氣的複雜性、濃郁度和蜜甜味是無與倫比的。因為其較高甜度的特性,非常適合長時間的熟成,在適當的保存環境下,數十年的熟成正是展現Château d'Yquem最迷人風味的開始,在明顯的酸度平衡下讓貴腐甜白酒的口感更為均衡,因熟成而發展出的香氣更是豐富迷人,展現出華麗而又高雅的質感。

Château d'Yquem對品質的要求,最基本的表現在葡萄園的管理及採收釀酒方面,平均每公頃的產量是900公升,而一般的Sauternes是1200~2000公升的水準,並且讓葡萄酒在橡木桶內熟成三年。因此雖然葡萄園有100多公頃,但是年產量只有65000瓶,在不好的年份更是停止釀造,例如1910年, 1915年, 1930年, 1951年, 1952年, 1964年, 1972年, 1974年, 1992年2. 都是停產的不好年份。


Chateau Pétrus 1979
起標價: $60,000/瓶

葡萄品種:95% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc
評分:RP 97

Chateau Pétrus位於波爾多右岸的Pomerol產區,東邊緊鄰Saint-Émilion這個同是右岸著名的產區。葡萄園位於Pomerol的東部,面積約11.4公頃,葡萄品種95% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc。Chateau Pétrus是最早在波爾多進行綠色採收的酒莊之一,目的是降低產量來提高品質,並且完全手工採收2至3天,確保採收的葡萄是最佳品質。
因為Merlot的品種特性 Chateau Petrus 不像五大酒莊所展現的厚重紮實,但是香氣的表現非常優雅帶有貴氣,既不封閉也不會野艷。口感滑順細緻,單寧感圓潤,呈現均衡完美的表現,尾韻綿長細膩回甘。



1985 Inglenook "Reunion" Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
起標價: $?/瓶

產區:美國Napa Valley
評分:WS 91

Inglenook 在加州已經有150年的歷史,致力於釀造更優質的葡萄酒給予世人在任何場合都能品嚐,是Inglenook 對自我的要求與期許。其Cabernet Sauvignon紅酒追求葡萄本身與橡木桶的平衡,充分展現濃郁的黒醋栗與成熟櫻桃果香,烘烤麵包的特殊香木桶風味。

1985的Inglenook "Reunion" Cabernet Sauvignon呈現濃郁緊緻的櫻桃與李子等果香,並帶有優雅的橡木桶風味,整體架構嚴謹且單寧的厚實度非常有質感。


Chateau Margaux 1981
起標價: $15,000/瓶

葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon (75%), Merlot (20%), Cabernet Franc(3%) 及 Petit Verdot (2%)
評分:RP 91
最佳適飲期:2000 ~ 2015

Chateau Margaux 坐落於波爾多左岸的Margaux村,擁有106公頃的葡萄園,法定產區屬於AOC Margaux,在1855年的酒莊分級中被評定為一級酒莊,與Château Lafite Rothschild, Château Latour, Château Haut-Brion 及後來升級的 Château Mouton-Rothschild共享盛名。

Chateau Margaux最早可以追溯到十三世紀,當時被稱為Château de La Mothe Margaux,目前的酒堡是建築於1810~1816年之間,葡萄園面積87公頃,種植Cabernet Sauvignon (75%), Merlot (20%), Cabernet Franc 及 Petit Verdot (5%),生產波爾多最細緻優雅的頂級紅酒及二軍酒Pavillon Rouge de Château Margaux。另外有12公頃的葡萄園種植Sauvignon Blanc,釀造瑪歌酒莊的高級白酒Pavillon Blanc de Margaux,雖然在法定產區中只列為Bordeaux AOC。

1981年的Chateau Margaux


Château Calon Ségur 1994

葡萄品種:65% cabernet-sauvignon, 20% merlot, 15% cabernet franc
評分:RP 86
最佳適飲期:2009 ~ 2020

Château Calon Ségur坐落於波爾多左岸Saint-Estèphe村,在高盧羅馬時代,該村莊被稱為Calones。十八世紀時,尼古拉斯侯爵收購了Château Calon Ségur,這位侯爵同時擁有château Lafite 及 château Latour,酒標上的心型標記正是為了紀念尼古拉斯侯爵曾說過的:『我在Lafite 及 Latour之間釀酒,但是我的心卻停留在Calon』。

60公頃的葡萄園生產強勁且濃郁的葡萄酒,在1855年的分級中被列為第三級酒莊,Château Calon Ségur一直維持一貫的品質與水準平均在橡木桶熟成24個月,採用30%~50%的新橡木桶,同時也生產二軍酒Marquis de Calon及中級酒Capbern Gasqueton。

1994年的Château Calon Ségur




DRC, Romanee-Conti 1995
起標價: $300,000/瓶

產區:Bourgogne, Vosne-Romanee法國勃根地
葡萄酒等級:Grand Cru
葡萄品種:Pinot Noir
評分:RP 95, WS 98
最佳適飲期:2010 ~ 2025

Domaine de la Romanée Conti (DRC)在勃根地擁有25公頃的特級葡萄園--- Romanée Conti, La Tâche, Richebourg, Romanée Saint Vivant, Grands Echézeaux, Echézeaux and Montrachet七個特級葡萄園,其中最著名的Romanée Conti 及 La Tâche 則為DRC所單獨擁有。


1995年的DRC Romanée Conti



DRC, La Tache 1995

起標價: $45,000/

產區:Bourgogne, Vosne-Romanee法國勃根地

葡萄酒等級:Grand Cru



葡萄品種:Pinot Noir

評分:RP 95, WS 95

最佳適飲期:2010 ~ 2020

Domaine de la Romanée Conti (DRC)在勃根地擁有25公頃的特級葡萄園--- Romanée Conti, La Tâche, Richebourg, Romanée Saint Vivant, Grands Echézeaux, Echézeaux and Montrachet七個特級葡萄園,其中最著名的Romanée Conti La Tâche 則為DRC所單獨擁有。




1995年的DRC La Tache 有優雅迷人的深紅色澤,蘊含豐富飽滿的深色水果的香氣,類似綜合了櫻桃、覆盆子、黒醋栗及甘草等多層次的複雜風味,豐厚的單寧呈現來自特級葡萄園與橡木桶的協調與融合,架構起美妙的均衡感與綿長的優雅尾韻。




Ch. Mouton Rothschild , Pauillac, 1985

產區: Pauillac法國波宜亞克區
酒莊等級:  1st Growth 一級酒廠
酒莊面積:  77公頃
年產總量:  300,000
葡萄品種:  77% Cabernet Sauvignon11% Merlot10% Cabernet Franc2% Petit Verdot
Robert Parker評分: 90
最佳適飲期: 2009~2024

本園於15世紀即有記載,也已享有盛名,1725年前法國貴族Jospeh de Brane將其命名Brane Mouton1830年時以120萬法郎轉手巴黎銀行家Isaac Thuret1853年因根瘤芽蟲病而令葡萄園損失慘重,財務元氣大傷,繼而又轉手予銀行業鉅子Baron Nathanie de Rothschild至此正式更名為Chateau Mouton Rothschild而沿用至今。

歷經百年及第一次世界大戰的轉輒動盪1922年時由年方20Baron Philippe接管,為一雪1855年官方評鑑為二級的奇恥大辱少主Baron Philippe展開本園多采多姿的歷史故事。

1945年時為慶祝戰爭勝利而在酒標籤上彩繪〝V〞從此每年均央請著名藝術家設計新的酒標標籤,1973年是Ch. Mouton Rothschild最值得紀念的年份。1973年的酒標圖騰,名稱為巴卡那,充滿豐富、傳奇色彩的一年,此幅是畢卡索在1959.12.22完成的作品,畢卡索生前並不同意將此畫作為標籤,直到他1973年過世後,他女兒才同意,也正好趕上1975年裝瓶的時刻~

1973年前Ch. Mouton Rothschild酒標上寫著這樣一句:
“Premier ne puis, second ne daigne , mouton sauis”

1973年後Ch. Mouton Rothschild酒標上變更為這樣一句:
“remier je suis, second je fus , mouton ne change”
足見Ch. Mouton的霸氣與自傲

品酒小記:Ch. Mouton Rothschild 1985


附記: 醒酒時間建議60-90分鐘左右,飲用溫度18~20度左右。


Ch. Mouton Rothschild , Pauillac, 1989 

產區: Pauillac法國波宜亞克區
酒莊等級:  1st Growth 一級酒廠
酒莊面積:  77公頃
年產總量:  300,000
葡萄品種:  77% Cabernet Sauvignon11% Merlot10% Cabernet Franc2% Petit Verdot

本園於15世紀即有記載,也已享有盛名,1725年前法國貴族Jospeh de Brane將其命名Brane Mouton1830年時以120萬法郎轉手巴黎銀行家Isaac Thuret1853年因根瘤芽蟲病而令葡萄園損失慘重,財務元氣大傷,繼而又轉手予銀行業鉅子Baron Nathanie de Rothschild至此正式更名為Chateau Mouton Rothschild而沿用至今。

歷經百年及第一次世界大戰的轉輒動盪1922年時由年方20Baron Philippe接管,為一雪1855年官方評鑑為二級的奇恥大辱少主Baron Philippe展開本園多采多姿的歷史故事。

1945年時為慶祝戰爭勝利而在酒標籤上彩繪〝V〞從此每年均央請著名藝術家設計新的酒標標籤,1973年是Ch. Mouton Rothschild最值得紀念的年份。1973年的酒標圖騰,名稱為巴卡那,充滿豐富、傳奇色彩的一年,此幅是畢卡索在1959.12.22完成的作品,畢卡索生前並不同意將此畫作為標籤,直到他1973年過世後,他女兒才同意,也正好趕上1975年裝瓶的時刻~

1973年前Ch. Mouton Rothschild酒標上寫著這樣一句:
“Premier ne puis, second ne daigne , mouton sauis”

1973年後Ch. Mouton Rothschild酒標上變更為這樣一句:
“remier je suis, second je fus , mouton ne change”
足見Ch. Mouton的霸氣與自傲

品酒小記:Ch. Mouton Rothschild 1989

Robert Parker評分: 90 
最佳適飲期: 2009~2030


附記: 醒酒時間建議60-90分鐘左右,飲用溫度18~20度左右。